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If you are in need of a doctor, please contact us by email, phone, or you may find one through these websites listed below. 


Chai for Lyme, recommends only ILADS doctors. This means that they are up to date with the latest research on Lyme Disease and Tick Borne Infections.






Disclaimer:  Life for Lyme provides referrals to health care providers who treat Lyme and tick-borne diseases as a courtesy to those seeking a Lyme literate provider.  The providers act on their own accord with regards to scheduling, fees and treatments offered. Chai for Lyme does not control office scheduling, fee schedules or treatment modalities. Chai for Lyme does not engage with any aspect of the doctor-patient relationship. Chai for Lyme does not handle anything to do with insurance coverages. Chai for Lyme does not receive any monies from any provider to be on this list.  This list is compiled from first hand experience feedback and providers are subject to change at any time. 

Doctor Wearing a Tie
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